Sometimes I Wonder if I'll get better!

I feel like this guy-->
So, I caught whatever strand of the cold has been going on through these parts and, suffice it to say, I'm beat. I'm tired and I want to get better.
As people get sick there are so many remedies and ideas out there on ways to get better. A friend just recently turned me towards a little piece of medicinal heaven called ZICAM. Yes, as you look at that picture, you stick a little cotton-swabby thing up your nose and let it do it's magic. It's really quite effective. But I have received other remedies that haven't been quite as effective. Thoughts of "What you oughtta do is feed a cold" commercials come floating back into my brain.
So, let's hear it: home remedies for colds? Not-so-home-remedies (like Zicam?) What have you found to be effective, and what can we put to rest as being helpful?
For sore throats, my mom always recommends to gargle with salt water. Yuck! But, it does work. My favorite remedy: hot Lemonade with honey. Tasty and oh so wonderful for any cold ailment.
A women in Heber City once recommended eating an onion or banana pepper sandwich to clear the sinuses. I have never tried that one, so let me know how it works.
Sorry you're sick. The gargling with salt water works, also, if you snort the water up your nose (yes, it's just as gross as it sounds) it helps. It can be tricky to work out the exact salt to water ratio, but it does help.
Lots of tea. Try Licorice Spice or something. My dad told me the other night that he never used to get colds until he stopped drinking beer.
So, not drinking beer=colds. You do the math.
i used coldFX when i lived in canada and recently found it at a wal-mart down here (it is on par with airborne). i swear by it... oh, and i also use ecanecia (sp?) but buy it in liquid form. good luck. i hate colds.
I have heard Zicam & Airborn are both great.
I got a cold last week for the first time in years. Standing in the medicine aisle I found myself over-whelmed & just left. I went home & made myself a toddy of 1 tsp of Crystalline Vitamin C & one shot of hot tea. I then did the gargling & snorting of salt-water thing. Luckily, all those home remedies seemed to work for me.
Hope you get to feeling better soon!
sometimes i wonder...
if you'll ever post again!
Seriously Mikey...
I think Axl Rose blogs more than you do.
(that's not a compliment, by the way)
Hey Mike! I stumblen upon your blog today while blog surfing. I made it here through Ryan's nut I would have no way of finding my way back! lol We have all had the same thing and so have a lot of our friends. No one seems able to kick it! I hope that you get better.
You are hilarious. Seriously. You need to post more though. For real, just found your blog, and there is really not enough to read:) Season Tanuvasa
WHAT!! How come I never knew you had a blog! Rude!! Just for that you don't get a copy of that cute there!!
Thanks, it was awesome to hear from you! Congrats on your engagement! I went and saw Sally and KC's baby last night and she is so cute, she looks more like KC than I thought she would and has a freaking lot of hair... who would have thought. Anyways, keep in touch and good luck and stuff!
Hey Mike man! Where have you been the past 29 years? Are you still eating fried chicken with the sand cranes on lake placid? You should stay in touch...come visit dude.
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