Thursday, April 13, 2006

Sometimes I Wonder about CHOCOLATE MILK

Moving to another state when you are about to be the BMOC (which was 5th grade where I was) is kind of jarring. No friends, no real way of telling what is "cool," no experience to tell if your teacher was a good one or not. Man, I'm almost feeling the pain again.
I showed up to my first day of 5th grade in a t-shirt, some shorts, and my DOPE Converse Skid Grips. In my old hometown, the cool thing was to buy just the right size so as to not have to have your laces in them. It presented a problem at kickball games, but man did you look cool. I had my slightly faded navy blues with no laces on the bottom, some sweet plaid, seer-sucker shorts, and a navy blue t-shirt. I was teased incessently. Even my teacher got in on the zings. "So do kids from Utah not have shoelaces? Or did you just forget yours today?" Eat it, Mr. Smith.
That first day was hard. Thoughts of recess and lunch were running through my head, but who would I play with? Who would I sit with? Recess was uneventful, pretty much just stood around that first day. I may have played four square, but as you can see, some events are better to just fade. Lunchtime. That's where I'm going with this. Lunchtime was the treat.
You see, school lunch was always one of my favorite things. Even when I carried my own lunch in my SWEET Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom lunchbox
I went into the lunchroom with my little red ticket in hand. What came next was a choice that was so exciting to me I'm blogging about it today. Which would I like: Regular milk or Chocolate Milk? Duh. Chocolate. No question. That deliciousness in a box was one of the best things of my new school. I was so glad to know that I had a friend in the lunchroom.
Chocolate milk is one of my most favorite beverages. It hits the spot so well so much of the time. What a treat it was when we were little. What a treat it is now! Buying the huge gallon jug of it is great. Getting the little school sized milks is great. Getting the Milk Chugs is great.
I just can't get it off of my mind right now.
Where did Chocolate Milk come from? Who thought this thing up? Who knew how good it was for us? Don't believe me, check out this article, or maybe this one. Bet you didn't think much about it being a good drink for athletes, did you? Make sure you read the article linked in that blog.
I have my favorite Chocolate Milk. There was nothing better. Perhaps you have a favorite brand. Perhaps you have a favorite taste that goes along with it. I know I do. Cheerios in Chocolate Milk is my Breakfast of Champions. Perhaps you think Chocolate milk is gross. Perhaps you've heard about this NASTY rumor.
Either way, let's hear it. Chocolate milk. Does it make you wonder?

Post script. I actually did make a lot of friends that year. And, my teacher wasn't such a butt after all. He was actually pretty cool.


Blogger Ryan said...

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13/4/06 18:23  
Blogger Ryan said...

just thought I'd remind you of those magical moments of Freshmen year when we stayed with Dan in DT and he stole as much BYU creamery Chocolate Milk as we could keep down...oh and the Granny B's.
Of course all of this was morally justified because it was out of a vending machine. (according to Dan)

Oh those magical Granny B.'s cookies.

13/4/06 18:26  
Blogger Ryan Remains said...

"Lou, give me a milk...chocolate!"

Dude! I totally forgot about the chocolate milk and Granny B's with Dan.

I've discovered that Nestle Hershey's Dark Chocolate syrup rules the school.

I've also enjoyed Chocolate Silk Soymilk for when I'm feeling vegan.

13/4/06 19:24  
Blogger aisy said...

before i even clicked on your link i started having creamery cravings. that is the best dang stuff around and i can't figure out why. i just know i love it. basically anything chocolate is good in my books.

14/4/06 02:23  
Blogger Sara said...

I love chocolate, but interestingly enough, I only like chocolate milk once in a while. And I like to mix it myself -- 2% and Hershey's syrup. It's kind of a little experiment every time. I always think, "Okay. Is THIS the perfect ratio? Have I put in just enough chocolate syrup?"

Incidentally, where did you move to when you were in the 5th grade?

I'm glad you found chocolate milk for comfort. I, too, moved with my family when I was in the 5th grade -- hard times, those days . . .

14/4/06 09:59  
Blogger Dagga said...

I did not need to read that icky blood milk story I´m not sure I will be able to drink chocolate milk any time soon.
Icelandic choc milk is of course the best.

14/4/06 10:13  
Blogger Ryan Remains said...

Of course the person from Iceland will say that their chocolate milk is the best. Just because you have glaciers and Sigur Ros!

You're right, Iceland totally rules.

Will you tell me how to say "Good night, sleep well" in Icelandic?

Also, my pal Nick collects "I want to marry a pizza" in every language, so if you could tell me how to say that I'll be eternally grateful. Or I could mail you a dollar?

14/4/06 10:49  
Blogger Bethany said...

In Slovene "I want to marry a pizza" is "Bi se rad(a) porocil(a) s pico". Slovene certainly isn't Icelandic, but it's fairly random just the same... My cousin collects "You eat like a girl" in every language...a far more useful phrase to know in multiple languages if you ask me.

But chocolate milke is a wonderful think to wonder about. I don't wonder; I know that it is delicious. My personal favorite is actually BYU creamery chocolate milk. In fact, when I was at the MTC, it was a little slice of heaven (in the midst of nasty foodland) when I found the unlimited tap of chocolate milk, and I assure you, I took full advantage of it...

14/4/06 12:18  
Blogger Bethany said...

P.S. In Slovene, you eat like a girl is "Ti jes kot punca," and in German it's "Du isst wie eines Madchen."

14/4/06 12:21  
Blogger Leezy Lindsey said...

One thing that I need to point out is that chocolate milk made with anything less than 2% is a waste of time for your taste buds. If I had my way, all chocolate milk would be made with whole milk.

14/4/06 13:10  
Blogger Dagga said...

Good night, sleep well is
Góða nótt, sofðu rótt

I want to marry a pizza is
Mig langar að giftast flatböku

the ð is prounonced th

Matthilda chocolate milk in Denmark is also very good, I don´t think I ever tried chocolate milk when I was in Canada. But you are right it is all because of Sigur Rós and the glaciers.

14/4/06 15:18  
Blogger MF said...

Dagga, you will be able to drink chocolate milk. I promise. There isn't any blood in it. That's the point. People are gross and make up really sick and disgusting things about chocolate milk that are completely uncalled for. So, drink. Drink to spite those jokers and thier machiavellian techniques. Or, to paraphrase a fantastic piece of motion picture: "Damn the man. Save Empire."
That may or may not be jackson, but it can be if you want it to.

14/4/06 15:25  
Blogger Melissa said...

My brother collects "Where is my rifle?" and practices saying the different linguistic variants in menacing tones as he walks through the house.

Chocolate milk equals nostalgia, apparently. For me, it's memories of dear old dad.

By the bye, thanks for the welcome Master F. Only now, you may never be able to get rid of me--especially if you keep talking about food.

14/4/06 15:38  
Blogger Ryan Remains said...


thanks for the translations.

this makes me love iceland even more. and you have mum!

15/4/06 04:15  
Blogger MF said...

I'm wondering if this blog is going to turn into a foodnetwork rip-off of unwrapped. I will probably wonder about something that is not food, so keep on your toes.

Dagga, Bethany, Soto, I think that this sharing and caring from different languages/cultures rivals the diplomacy of any country. Our very own United Nation.

15/4/06 09:46  
Blogger kt said...

BYU Creamery chocolate milk is so goooooooood.

I highly recommend eating your oreos with chocolate milk. Seriously. Think about it.

15/4/06 23:32  
Blogger Ryan Remains said...

bethany, thanks for the slovene. my pal nick actually has slovene, having spent time in slovenia (you mean slovakia? he said, it's two effing countries! his slovenian friend answered).

talk about cross cultural communication.

16/4/06 11:54  
Blogger Ryan said...

Ok, this is going out on a limb but has anyone had chocolate milk that had little mini-kurds in it?

Sounds gross, right? WRONG! It's actually REALLY good. But I cant remember where I had it? Tillimook, OR? Meridian, ID? Ogden, UT? or Provo, UT?

Anyway, am I alone in having this kind of chocolate milk?

16/4/06 17:40  
Blogger Hey, It's Ansley said...

I'm getting in on this late but I too love chocolate milk, I even mentioned it in my blog profile, my love is that strong.

And it reminds me of my dad (I think someone else said that too). My dad used to make it every night so the sound of the spoon clinking on the glass was like Pavlov's bell. Now that I'm older, when I'm home, I get in trouble if I only make a glass for me and not for him. In my family we used the powdered Nesquik. Interesting how each person has the type of chocolate milk they think is best, and in what proportions of chocolate to milk.

Ryan W - not sure how I feel about the curds. Makes me think of my mission when the mother of my branch mission leader made us hot chocolate and one of the elders unknowingly got that stuff that forms on the top of warmed milk. I will never forget his face when he took a big sip and realized what it was and had to chew his hot chocolate.

16/4/06 21:33  
Blogger David said...

chocolate milk is pretty good. real good. i usually buy a little carton of it as a "treat" for myself when i go to the grocery store.

17/4/06 10:54  
Blogger Bethany said...

My family also had the powdered Nesquick (which, by the way, McDonald's puts in their McFlurry's in's divine!), and we used to eat it by the spoonfull. It is very dangerous to eat powdered Nesquick when laughing...inhaling said powder is rather painful.

17/4/06 14:19  
Blogger Bethany said...

RR, I'm glad that you were straightened out on the fact that Slovenia and Slovakia are not the same country. I'm always kind of amazed when people think when I say "Slovenia" that I mean "Slovakia." If I had meant "Slovakia" I would have said "Slovakia." It is two effing countries. But don't feel sad...even the US Postal Service gets confused (my mail would often have a stamp on it for having been sent to Slovakia first).

17/4/06 14:22  
Blogger Tiffany said...

I love chocolate milk, but I do have some odd stipulations with it. Unlike some of the readers here I think 1% chocolate milk is far superior to whole milk. The thickness of the whole milk seems to get in the way for is hard to focus on the actual sweet chocolaty flavor when I am being drowned in saturated fat.

Also, if I am going to have chocolate milk it has to fly solo for me so I can really appreciate its intense flavor. When indulging in cookies or donuts or any other sweet thing I prefer white milk in order to cut the sweetness.

I totally agree that BYU creamery chocolate milk is the best. I used to drink it for lunch all the time.

An interesting fact about dairy products commonly enjoyed...towards the end of the ingredient label you will see "carrageenan" which is actually a single celled algae that gives which ice cream and pre-packaged choc. milk products their smooth and creamy texture.

for me Chocolate milk = road trip

17/4/06 15:03  
Blogger MF said...

ab--that almost sounds gross. kind of like chocolate syrup all sloshed around in cottage cheese. kind of nasty, but a possibility of goodness.

ansley, that's how i grew up, too. with the hershey's syrup. it was delicious, but sometimes i put way too much in. i needed to find a bigger glass so i could fit more milk in to find that balance. when i did, it was flavored milk heaven.

Mr. Pulsipher, it is important to give yourself a treat e'ry now an den. why not have it be chocolate milk? you probably get some really organic kind that makes you feel good when you drink it. either way, enjoying the chocolate milk is a treat. undiscussed: chocolate soy milk. have you had it?

bdurham--we had nestle's quick on occaision. ovaltine, too. but we did not have them on mcflurry. i did have a friend that would put it on his vanilla ice cream, though. not bad.

tiffsta, welcome. i added the anonymous feature just in case you don't want to keep blogging. you are more than welcome anytime, especially if you drop tidbits of knowledge like carrageenan. I think that my parents must have consumed a large amount of chocolate milk near my conception--because I am smooth. especially with the ladies. Oh man. i want to kick myself for saying that. it's funny, though. c'mon.

17/4/06 23:12  
Blogger Lauren said...

Smooooth, huh?

In middle school, I got a carton of curdled chocolate milk. And it wasn't supposed to be the curdled kind.

It ruined the cartoned chocolate milk for me. But if I mix it myself and see that the milk isn't curdled, I'm okay. Sometimes I still have flashbacks, though.

("Damn the man. Save Empire." That was my favorite movie for a long time. Maybe it was because they talk about the Pixies at the end.)

18/4/06 11:23  
Blogger Ryan Remains said...

i could've sworn i left a message about the next sometimes i wonder.

i think you should wonder about quesadillas because they rule.

19/4/06 10:58  
Blogger aisy said...

i think mike needs to start wondering more and do school less...

19/4/06 14:38  
Blogger Bethany said...

I kind of wonder if Mike does school at all. I mean, he must, but he hangs out with so many different poeple, I wonder where he finds the time. Actually, I'm just jealous because he does well whether he stresses about it or not.

19/4/06 16:38  
Blogger MF said...

Aisy, school is just about to finish for the semester. That means I'm scrambling to finish huge assignments right at the end rather than having worked on them with time and efficiency. So, my apologies for not wondering about anything for the past few days except how in the heezey I was going to pull this stuff off.

But, I'll let you in on a little secret. I might just be wondering about something real quick.

19/4/06 18:02  

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