spring break
it's spring break time for my school. i am at work at my school. does anybody think that this equals a break? this ranks up there with my all-time best spring breaks.
it's spring break time for my school. i am at work at my school. does anybody think that this equals a break? this ranks up there with my all-time best spring breaks.
what was your best spring break ever? mine was freshman year at ricks only because i actually went somewhere, hence the yelling spring break. and yes it was with joni and yes it did involve driving to california with chloe and danny who made out the whole time and that was gross. but i did see ian at whittier and he did yell at a girl who kept hitting the volleyball at me. and no i wasn't all that impressed with pet sounds (the beach boys album) that i bought in santa barbara or how joni was swooning over a kid named spiderman (his name was spiderman) even though we ending up getting sexier than we ever had before. and no i didn't get to see that dog. even though they were playing nearby at the doll's house because chloe didn't want to go. and yes in and out burgers are divine. and no i didn't like it when chloe's car got a flat tire in the middle of the night and her mom got us a room at a motel 6. and yes it was fun making out with joni in the shower and even though we had our swimsuits on it was still really weird when danny came in and peed while we were in the shower. that was weird. so not so much best spring break ever, but maybe weirdest spring break ever?
wow that is definitely the weirdest spring break I've ever heard... but I do like pet sounds.
My school didn't have spring break :(
That was weird. I hadn't heard some of that story before. Yikes.
Karren--sorry for not having spring break. But, you didn't miss out on much. It was just a huge let down most of the time. Kind of like New Years.
yeah new year's and I hear valentine's day is that way, but I'm not sure cause I'm always distracted by my bday :D
I think I wasn't supposed to mention the Danny and Chloe making out thing, or the Spiderman thing...I do like Pet Sounds now, though. I also bought a pair of black high top chucks that Sam ended up stealing, I think. I know he wore them at the Jill show in Pocatello, if I remember correctly. I'm still waiting on your best spring break?
weird, if you think of the above story in this context.
My best spring break is basically non-existant. I don't have any real memory that stands out as something fantastic. Boring, I know. Perhaps even a bit sad. But, there are more sad things in life.
yeah like never having a spring break :(
hey almost master mf, since spring break is over, are we going to get new material?
master aisy
P.S. My Spring Break starts in about 5 minutes when my last two students finish their make-up tests and leave. And what am I going to do? I am going to SLEEP IN. That equals a break to me.
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