Sometimes I Wonder if I'll get better!
I feel like this guy-->
So, I caught whatever strand of the cold has been going on through these parts and, suffice it to say, I'm beat. I'm tired and I want to get better.
As people get sick there are so many remedies and ideas out there on ways to get better. A friend just recently turned me towards a little piece of medicinal heaven called ZICAM. Yes, as you look at that picture, you stick a little cotton-swabby thing up your nose and let it do it's magic. It's really quite effective. But I have received other remedies that haven't been quite as effective. Thoughts of "What you oughtta do is feed a cold" commercials come floating back into my brain.
So, let's hear it: home remedies for colds? Not-so-home-remedies (like Zicam?) What have you found to be effective, and what can we put to rest as being helpful?