Thursday, August 31, 2006

Sometimes I Wonder if I know how to blog....

What a summer! I have so much to report on that I'll do a quick list, since lists seem to make people feel productive and efficient:
1. Finished my first year of Grad School and took my comprehensive finals.
2. Passed my comprehensive finals.
3. Was interviewed for the clinical program.
4. Was admitted into the clinical program.
5. Read some books.
6. Moved to a new house.
7. Went back to Salt Lake City, UT for a visit and
8. Went back to Portland, OR for my 10 YEAR HIGH SCHOOL REUNION!
9. Came back from Portland.
10. Started school and started seeing clients.
(that last one had two items, but I like to stop at 10. If it's good enough for Dave, it's good enough for me.