Sometimes I Wonder About Quesadillas.
Due to a recent phenomenon, the quesadilla has taken a HUGE step forward--from obscurity into light. What once was a side item at that took a back seat to the fajita or burrito*, has now been launched into stardom. Kids are asking for them. People are ordering them. It's the newest link in the recent chain of latin craze.
A trip down memory lane
I enjoyed the occaisional cheesey-tortilla when I was a kid, but much preferred the nachos to the tortilla. I think it was just my young affinity for fried foods that made the chips so appealing. But, as I entered college--yes, college--I was introduced to a cheap snack. And, since my funds were a bit sparse, I relished in this dish. (although relish was used in that last sentence, no relish was used in the making of this blog, nor any quesadilla by yours truly.)
I was straight up PO-O-O-O-OR when I started school. Cheese was expensive, but tortillas were not. And, it provided a nice change of taste from my staple, the local gem. Since then, I have scarffed down quesadillas like mad. I'm a plain kinda kid. Cheese and tortilla is good enough for me. Others get really serious and add all sorts of flavors and concoctions.
Tell me: have YOU ever wondered about the quesadilla? Again, simple, but sublime. What do you like on them? Who makes the best? Is there such thing as a healthy one?
This post is dedicated to the homies from Crestwood. You know who you is.
*click on the video link on the right called "Da-na Da Da-na..."