Moving to another state when you are about to be the BMOC (which was 5th grade where I was) is kind of jarring. No friends, no real way of telling what is "cool," no experience to tell if your teacher was a good one or not. Man, I'm almost feeling the pain again.
I showed up to my first day of 5th grade in a t-shirt, some shorts, and my DOPE
Converse Skid Grips. In my old hometown, the cool thing was to buy just the right size so as to not have to have your laces in them. It presented a problem at kickball games, but man did you look cool. I had my slightly faded navy blues with no laces on the bottom, some sweet plaid, seer-sucker shorts, and a navy blue t-shirt. I was teased incessently. Even my teacher got in on the zings. "So do kids from Utah not have shoelaces? Or did you just forget yours today?" Eat it, Mr. Smith.
That first day was hard. Thoughts of recess and lunch were running through my head, but who would I play with? Who would I sit with? Recess was uneventful, pretty much just stood around that first day. I may have played four square, but as you can see, some events are better to just fade. Lunchtime. That's where I'm going with this. Lunchtime was the treat.
You see, school lunch was always one of my favorite things. Even when I carried my own lunch in my SWEET Indiana Jones and the
Temple of Doom lunchbox I went into the lunchroom with my little red ticket in hand. What came next was a choice that was so exciting to me I'm blogging about it today. Which would I like: Regular milk or Chocolate Milk? Duh. Chocolate. No question. That deliciousness in a box was one of the best things of my new school. I was so glad to know that I had a friend in the lunchroom.
Chocolate milk is one of my most favorite beverages. It hits the spot so well so much of the time. What a treat it was when we were little. What a treat it is now! Buying the huge gallon jug of it is great. Getting the little school sized milks is great. Getting the Milk Chugs is great.
I just can't get it off of my mind right now.
Where did Chocolate Milk come from? Who thought this thing up? Who knew how good it was for us? Don't believe me, check out this
article, or maybe
this one. Bet you didn't think much about it being a good drink for athletes, did you? Make sure you read the article linked in that blog.
I have my favorite
Chocolate Milk. There was nothing better. Perhaps you have a favorite brand. Perhaps you have a favorite taste that goes along with it. I know I do. Cheerios in Chocolate Milk is my
Breakfast of Champions. Perhaps you think Chocolate milk is
gross. Perhaps you've heard about this
NASTY rumor.
Either way, let's hear it. Chocolate milk. Does it make you wonder?
Post script. I actually did make a lot of friends that year. And, my teacher wasn't such a butt after all. He was actually pretty cool.